Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) & Mommy Makeover in Rockville, MD

Abdominoplasty Rockville MD

Let's face it, as we age and especially after bearing children, it becomes harder and harder, through diet and exercise, to shed those extra pounds or to tighten loose skin.

Body contouring procedures, while not intended to be a weight loss tool, can remove excess fat and skin from specific areas. In some cases the underlying muscle is also tightened.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Nothing is more discouraging than being unable to get back a flat tummy or abs or a "six pack" that you once had, or developing "middle age spread", despite vigorously exercising and dieting. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty removes excess skin and fat from the belly, and tightens muscles that have separated.

Suddenly a little exercise goes a long way. Clothes fit better, and some patients claim that they have dropped two dress sizes. You'll begin to see your long lost and forgotten "six pack", and get back into a bathing suit when you never thought you would again. Old abdominal scars are removed at the same time. All of the above giving a wonderful boost to your self-esteem.

Dr. Dick usually performs liposuction during abdominoplasty to contour the "love handles" or "muffin top" of the waist and flank areas to help your tummy tuck improve the contour of your waist. Occasionally patients have a small hernia at the belly button (an "outie" instead of an "innie") which is easily corrected during tummy tuck. Rarely, a patient may just require tightening of the skin around their belly button called umbilicoplasty.

Mini Tummy Tuck

A modified abdominoplasty or mini tummy tuck is ideal for patients who just need a little improvement in order to reach their desired results such as those within 10% of their ideal body weight, and who have only a small amount of excess skin and muscle separation. Dr. Dick will discuss with you whether or not you are a candidate for this.

Read what our patients are saying!

"Dear Dr. Dick, Thank you so much for the wonderful gift you gave me. I am tickled! You have been great through the entire process and I am grateful. You're The best!"

- Anonymous

Click here to read more reviews.

Mommy Makeover

The "Mommy Makeover" includes any and all procedures performed to correct or improve the changes that occur to your body after pregnancy. These changes include sagging/deflation of the breasts, new fat collections, abdominal muscle separation, a little "pooch" or apron hanging over a C-section scar... All of the above unresponsive to diet and exercise. Dr. Dick will listen to your concerns and customize a plan that addresses your needs and your budget. If you speak with Dr. Olsen she can share her best kept secrets for maintaining youth and beauty.

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Monday: 9am – 5pm
Tuesday: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday: 9am – 5pm
Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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